To become a member or to renew your membership, please follow the steps outlined below.

Step 1

  • If you do not already have a account: Register for an account. Registering for a new account will require email verification. You will receive an email shortly after signing up for an account with a link to activate your account set your password.
  • If you already have a accountplease log in.

Step 2

Sign up as new member or renew your membership on our membership page. You now have the option of creating an auto-renewing membership if you use PayPal as your method of payment.

Step 3

Please enter more information about yourself and/or your household on our member/household information page. This information helps us to serve you better. We will never share information with outside parties.

Membership Fees: Memberships can be paid by with PayPal (with a PayPal account or credit card) or by check.

  • Individual – $15
  • Family – $25

Remember, your membership fee entitles you and your family to many planned events at no cost. Learn more about the benefits of being an Autism McLean member.

Contact us if you have any questions!